Monday, 28 December 2009

Looking ahead to 2010

Just as with 2008, I have decided to a write a post centred around a look towards the next 12 months.

It's been a funny old year, for all manner of reasons. Some have been professional - not least of all, the challenges presented by the continuing economic climate; but also I have had something of an unsettled time on the personal side of things, too. There's no need to go into detail here, but suffice it to say that I would once again like to thank all those who offered their support and kind words along the way - it meant a great deal.

But as the saying goes - we must now push forward, onwards and upwards!

The way business is conducted - not just within the photography industry - has noticeably shifted. Clearly, many more people have jumped on the social networking band wagon this year, setting up blogs, podcasts and accounts on open platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Flickr. As far as I can see, this can only be good thing. And from a personal standpoint, thanks to the use of my networking activities, I have not seen a significant loss of trade as a result (regular readers will know that I generally don't spend on 'traditional' paid advertising). Looking ahead with latest developments in mind, it'll be interesting to see what comes of Google Wave... and beyond. All very exciting stuff!

I recently took a few minutes to revisit my 2008 'yearly summing-up' post, to get an idea of just how much of my 'intentions for 2009' list I have actually achieved. Well, in spite of everything, I was pleasantly surprised to realise that I've actually done better than at first thought. So, with this fresh in my head, here is my initial list for 2010 (again, to be extended as time goes on, no doubt!):

  • GBP website - revamp, develop, launch a completely new look
  • Record more audio/video content for GBP Blog; monthly/occasional podcast perhaps?
  • Extend online writing activities (speak up if you can help with this, please! I'm especially keen to target photography, outdoor pursuits, business and networking e-zines, )
  • Consider further tutoring and public speaking opportunities
  • Personal projects - research and develop further; possible exhibition?
  • Continue to build online network, especially via Twitter
  • I must make time to visit exhibitions by other photographers and artists
  • More use of prime lenses, starting with purchase of a new 35mm f1.8
  • Keep up to date with my subscription to Wired magazine - so many good ideas, so much inspiration... it's wasted on the bottom shelf of the coffee table!
  • Ensure that computers remain as de-cluttered as possible!
So that's a start - and enough to be getting on with, I think. I will also be continuing with a number of points detailed on the previous list, despite not mentioning them here.

Let's hope 2010 proves to be a great and successful year for us all. As before, do let me know what you have planned; it'd be great to follow your progress and see where you end up in 12 months' time!

Take care, everyone, and have a great new year :)

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