Monday 9 March 2009

Simply effective product photography

Another little product shoot from earlier this month, a further example of how I like to keep things nice and simple.
The products in question were a range of samples produced by a local firm of screenprinters, engravers and precision engineers. We have created images for this company in the past, and the purpose of this assignment was to show off the new line aimed at the medical profession.

One empty meeting room, one camera, two lights and a plain card background - that's all we needed in order to produce a set of simple yet effective pictures which can be dropped into the company's website, brochures and all manner of marketing material.

Here is a time-lapse video showing the process, from start to finish. Be sure to check out the selection of images at the end of the film:

1 comment:

Pete Tiley / Bike rider. said...

Enjoyed the video and the set up. Thanks for the post.