Tuesday 18 March 2008

Simply done

Big studios, big lights, big fees - that is the perception a great number of people have when they consider commissioning professional photography.

Of course, we could exploit this and charge a small fortune - but how would we sleep at night?! No, we're far too honest for that. However, it is true to say that, in all reality, the elements of time and money are big factors for most people - and often at least one, the other or both is in short supply.

When thinking about your photography, two questions are no doubt going to be at the forefront of your mind - "how long will it take?" and "how much will it cost
". Simply put, it needn't take a long time. Nor does it have to cost a lot. Tip: Planning is everything!

The images displayed here (view larger) were shot
in the corner of a back room on-site, at short notice, and were lit with a single light. Nice, bright displays were dropped into each screen as required after the shoot; it was then a matter of arranging the 'complete' pictures in the layout of the promotional brochure, before sending the design off to print.

A simple set of photgraphs, simply approached - and simply effective.

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